Dream: Mawlana


Salaam Alaikum,
Mawlana Sheikh Nazim was sitting on a chair. They gave baya to us. Then they called me to walk a bit around the church. I was supporting Mawlana around the waist & Mawlana had their arm around my neck. I took them towards their chair. Hajah Rokiah was there beside Mawlana. I sat Mawlana down & kissed their hand. As I tried to move away, hajah Rokiah told me to keep my face on Mawlana hand. So I kept my face on their blessed hand for a long time. Then I tried to move back again to give opportunity to others, but hajah asked me to stay with my face on their hand. Mawlana put their hand on my head and said Mashah Allah. After sometime Mawlana got up and before going through a door, they put their hand on my face and smiled. my dear sheikhs.


Walaikum assalam,

Good tidings to you. Mawlana is showing you that you are dear to him. InchaAllah you will be of service to Mawlana.

Allah knows best,

Ali Elsayed

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