ASAK, Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim, Allah SWT grants holiness upon you. Please ask Allah JWA grants me to be healthy body, edab, mind increase cognitive function and flexibility and develop my spiritual dimension, purity of qalb, kamal and jamal and jalal and obedience to Allah JWA and His Habibi SAWS, acquire sunnah of Nabi Muhammad SAWS, seek pleasure of Allah JWA, ask Allah SWT forgive me and choose me in highest of high ranks and stations. Ask Allah SWT grants blessings, peace and mercy upon my family and ummah. have a good life and get married, good education, save a living to increase wealth and job and halal resource. protect me from addiction to technology, fitna, shaytan, nafs, hawa and dunya. JazakAllah Khayr ya sayyid shaykhs please give me support and my love for you in complete, undying and forever.
wa `alaykum salam,
May Allah accept your intentions and open these realities for you.
He is Al-Kareem!
Wallahu Alam,
Kamau Ayubbi