Assalam Alaykoum,
My name is [private] and my mothers name is [private]. I am 35. Recently I was introduced to a girl called [private] and her mothers name is [private]. She is only 20 and very beautiful. She showed interest in me and so did I. However, her uncle and aunt told me not to go ahead with her as her manners are not good and she did not study a lot at school. This was enough to discourage my parents. She keeps coming in my thoughts and I wanted to ask you whether you can perform an istikaarah and ask Mowlana Shaik Nazim (Q) whether to go ahead with her or not.
Alaykum Salam,
What they did not tell you may be even worse than what they already told you; so follow their advice, as the good pleasure of parents is the good pleasure of Allah, and He is the One Who inspired them to give you this advice. Ask for a better match for yourself and in sha Allah it will happen.
Hajj Gibril Haddad