Dream: Cancer


Salaam alaiykum

I have recently lost a close relative to cancer, and now my grandmother and another close friend of mine are fighting cancer. I have been really worried and have been praying a lot for them. I had a dream where I saw that almost everyone had cancer – mostly my close and loved ones – but the other people around them were just going on with life and the people who had cancer in my dream were just living with it. I felt so helpless in my dream – I couldn’t do anything.

Would you kindly interpret this dream for me, please? Thank you.

Salaam alaiykum.



Wa alaikum Salaam wa rahmatullah!

It is understandable that you would feel helpless and powerless, which is the reality of our condition before Allah (swt). Our sense of helplessness is an opportunity to draw nearer to Allah and His Prophet (saws).

Recite 10-100x and understand the meaning of la hawla wa la quwata illa billah and to your best to help and serve people

Wallahu Alam,

Kamau Ayubbi

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