Hear Whispering



Assalamualaikum Dear Maulana Sheikh Hisham Kabbani,

May Allah always give MSN and you good health and long life.
I would like to ask a question on behalf of my wife. She often hears whispering to her right ear which telsl her to do good things or do things which eventually found beneficial. Example: tell her if her mother needs something, to take care family, or follow up things early which could have gone wrong. She asks what these whispering and from where/who these come.
I talked about you and how I am insterested/being pulled toward you ever since knowing you and cannot get away my mind from you, ya Sayyidi. When I showed her your picture she said she could not see you any longer and as if see herself. Masyaallah, what was that?

Thank you and apologize for my bad adab.


wa `alaykum salam,

If they are good, these are inspirations to your heart  and if they are bad then they are from Shaytan and she must not listen to them.

Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani

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