Salaam Alaykum,
During my second pregnancy I started getting small varicose viens in my legs. I am currently expecting my third child and my midwife told me that these viens will get worse with every pregnancy. Because Sheikh Nazim said to us to “have many” insha allah I think I may have more children and so wondered if you know of anything to stop these viens getting worse or even cure them altogether.
Thank you.
wa `alaykum salam,
May Allah bless you and your children and family. Varicose veins are worsened over time by prolonged pressure buildup in the veins that can be common in pregnancy and with prolonged standing. It also has a genetic predilection. There are other causes, so it is recommended you discuss your condition with your healthcare provider. She may recommend testing and for treatment, support hose or other measures.
Dr. Bazaraa
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