Overcoming debt


Asalam o walaikum
I am only 20 yrs. of age and my father has many various credit cards and loans pulled out in my name of which I have nothing to do with because he keeps all and deals with all. Also he does have access to all my information because my passports and all credentials are kept with him and only my ID I get to possess. I read somewhere that no soul will be allowed to enter heaven unless their debts are paid off and I was wondering that if my father is unable to pay off the debt under my name, then will that impact me and make that debt mine to pay off and what if i’m unable to? In general, he is under a lot of debt so please give some dua to alleviate him of it and to prevent him from attaining more.


wa `alaykum salam,

You should consider communicating with your father about this issue before it gets out of control. Ask for a family meeting if necessary and have a third party present like an imam, your mother, family elder, family friend.

Imam Senad Agic
American Islamic Center – Chicago

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