Dream: Khalwat

Dream: Khalwat

salaamwa-alykoem honourable sheiks Asalamoen-alykoem moulana sheik Hishaam Kabbani

In a dream Sultan Sheik Nazim and Sheik Hishaam told us that we have to make khalwa Sheik Hishaam told us to take our clothes off and gave us other clothes to put on

what should we do?


a`udhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajeem
Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem:

wa `alaykum salaam,

Make time daily to seclude yourself from dunya and perform your awrad. Before Fajr, or between Asr and Maghrib or between Maghrib and Isha. Inshaa-Allah you will be given new spiritual dresses.

Dr. Karim

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