salam aleykoum wa rahmatoula i ta’ala wa barakatou.
salutation for all the team of eshaykh, and for Sheikh Hicham.
My wife and me have been living in france, we are french muslims. my parents were from Portugal and my parents il law are french. I’ve been naqshbandi mureed of Mawlana Sheikh Nazim for 2 years. I’m sorry for my very bad english. My wife is muslima too. In July, Allah swt take back our blessed daughter, she was 2 years, may Allah give her the best place in paradise with the presence of Our prophet saw: my wife often dreams of seeing our daughter’s shadow, but our daughter does not answer her mum in the dream. it makes my wife very badly when she wakes up… Would you give us an interpretation for this dream please? baraka Allahou fikoum…
`Alaykum as-Salam,
Our Holy Prophet upon him blessings and peace was also sad when his son Sayyiduna Ibrahim (upon him peace) died at the same age and she is with him in sha Allah, and prefers his company but sends her shadow as reassurance of Paradise: {Among shades on couches reclined} {The godwary are among shades and springs} not for you to grieve but to look forward to Paradise as the Prophet guaranteed that toddlers will intercede for their parents. Invoke blessings on the Prophet and his Family and be glad of the privileged certainty that you have a forerunner in Paradise.
Hajj Gibril Haddad
Notre saint Prophète sur lui bénédictions et salut s’endeuilla de la mort de son fils Ibrahim sur lui la paix, au même tendre age de deux ans. Votre fille in cha Allah est avec lui et préfère sa compagnie mais envoie son ombre en rêve en guise de signe du Paradis pour rassurer et non attrister sa mère. {Les gens du Paradis sont parmi les ombrages étendus sur des divans} {Ceux qui craignent Dieu seront parmi les ombrages et les sources}. Anticipez avec joie la réalisation de la promesse du Prophète que les jeunes enfants intercéderont pour leurs parents. Invoquez les bénédictions sur lui et sa famille et soyez heurex de cette certitude privilégiée que vous avez une précursoeur au Paradis.
Hajj Gibril Haddad