Madad ya sayidi, please pray for me…I’m so tired being a strong woman facing all the things all by my self…I am a single mom, my son is teenager now…I have no fix job…living abroad far from my family since a long time…I wish that Allah find me a good man to be my husband…so me and my son we can have a family again…So I dont need to face all the things by my own..please pray for me….
Audhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajim
Bismi-llāhi r-raḥmāni r-raḥīm
Wa `alaykumu s-salāmu wa rahmatu l-lāhi wa barakātuh
Insha Allah Mawlana Shaykh Hisham Kabbani is praying for you. You may recite “Hasbuna Allah wa nimal wakil” 100 times daily and salawat ala Nabi (ṣall Allāhu ʿalayhi wa-sallam) as many as possible, it will open all doors of goodness and close all doors of difficulty insh Allah.
And Allah knows best.