Prayer Request: over whelmed



Please pray that Allah makes me a better mother and more patient.

Please also pray Allah makes me a good person, a person who Allah and our prophet s.a.w.s and the Wali Allah will be pleased with.

I ask you to also pray that Allah instills a desire in my heart and others a desire to be closer to Him.

Please also pray Allah will not take us away from his love even though surely we do not deserve it and pray Allah will save us from our own nafs.

I am sorry for being a burden and am very grateful I have you supporting me spiritually. Please pray we may be a benefit to tariqa and everyone around us.

Please forgive me. And I ask you pray the above for everyone please.

Thank you.


Wa ‘alaikum Salaam,

May your du’a be accepted with a generous acceptance. May your heart be happy with the Love of Allah, His Prophet and Awliya and we all be with them in dunya and akhirah. May Allah’s support manifest in your life! Ameen!

Kamau Ayubbi

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