My mother had a dream in which my deceased 7 year old brother cheerfully told her that “I have brought bangles for my sister.” After that he said to her he is going to work and the dream ends. I’m unmarried, still studying and struggle with skin disorder.
Walaikumas Salam Wa Rahmatullah
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem,
Insha Allah khair. Your brother is working, meaning making duo for many people who are in need of help from difficult situation. He has taken up your case and is pleading, begging and praying to Allah for your marriage, indicated by the bangles. Good news for you insha Allah. To show gratitude to Allah for giving you such a holy brother you should recite daily 100x darood shareef and send the rewards of the recitation to your brother as a gift daily.
Syed Shahzaman