In my dream I saw jasmine flower in bustand my mom talk with that sales boy how much then they started rate argument that time blue shirt come across me. He is my lover and said don’t argue everyone watching and smiling then he gone call to me talk with phone.
Walaikumas Salam Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem,
Depending on your situation it could mean many things. In a dream, jasmine denotes happiness, blessings and benefits. It also represents religious scholars and spiritual teachers. As for a bachelor, jasmine in a dream means getting married. The advice in the dream is to trust your mother. In my humble opinion it indicates your marriage and you should trust in Allah and listen to the advice of your guardian as long as their advice is in line with the teachings of Islam.
Syed Shahzaman