Not wearing hijab in dream


I attend a wedding & I see many of my male cousins dressed in white Arab clothing with white head covering too. In the dream i am not wearing my hijab (in real life i do wear hijab) when I realize that I’m not wearing hijab in dream i am shocked & worried


Your dream points to advice to not be impressed by dunya customs but rather to look after spiritual practice which will protect you in dunya and akhira. The Arab dress and the state of undress mirror each other as a commentary on the present state of Arab societies in particular and Muslim societies in general, which alas is a state of heedlessness and irreligion in various senses. The only redeeming thing about weddings is dhikr being recited with peace and tranquility as well as food being partaken with the poor, otherwise they are signs of spiritual bankruptcy. Hence your shock and worry, a Prophetic dream in sha Allah.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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