child does not speak


We have a young child who does not speak, only singing to himself. You see his right index finger is stiff. Please pray for him.


We are praying for him.

Because of such children Allah removes problems from people as they are immersed in Allah’s Mercy. That is sign that the shahada finger is always up, that he is in Bahr at-tawheed, the Ocean of Oneness in Allah’s Divine Presence.  That is why he is not with you, he is not around; he is somewhere else. He is singing. What is he singing? His tongue is frozen from speaking. Many children I see like him are always in prayer. You don’t need to understand what they say – that is baraka for mother and father and the whole family, to pull them to heaven. Take good care of him and be sure he has the best medical attention.

Shaykh Hisham Kabbani

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