Salaam, I’ve recently come out of a relationship due to too much arguments. We both loved each other a lot and I love this girl unconditionally, we both wanted to get married to each other but due to anger we split up, how can I get her back? Please help!
Wa alaikum as-salam Wa Rahmatullah,
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem,
The easiest way is just go to her and apologize. Or email her or text her saying you are sorry. Additionally keep on reciting:
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem x19 times per day
Ya Haleem x100 per day
Ya Hafeezh x100 times per day
Hasbunallahu Ni`mal-Wakeel x100 per day
Darood Shareef x100 per day
Then ask Allah for the best solution regarding this issue.
Syed Shahzaman