Dream: previous and present.


Asalamalaykum wr wb…. ya sayeedy i had a dream in which the girl i liked showed me pictures of herself with another guy and i was sad but at the same time there was another girl in my dream who had LONG LONG eyelashes and she liked me and i started to like her too but i was confused as what to do, i was angry in my dream beacause the other sent me her pictures with someone other than me, and the second girl her eyelashes were like 6-7 inches long but than they shrank. i’m sorry for not having any adab, you can remove this question if you like. i dont know if it is something i should or should not be trying to ask for interpretation.


a`udhu billah mina ‘sh-shaytani ‘r-rajeem
Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem

wa `alaykum salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakutuh,

If you are not already engaged to the first girl this may be a sign that things will not work out with her.  The second girl with very long eyelashes indicates a very pious girl coming in the future.  Make intention to marry for piety as the Prophet (s) said that this is the most important characteristic in a spouse.

W ‘Allahu `alam.

Dr. Karim Tourk

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