Loving someone for the sake of Allah


Assalamu Alaikum Warahmathullahe Wabarakthu.

I am a new revert and I am looking for guidance in this matter about  loving someone for the sake of Allah. What does it truly mean. To me it is loving them like a brother or sister and always wanting better for them than ourself.  But where do we draw the line?

Let me explain who I think I am. I [private] I am 45 and I embraced  Islam less than a yr ago. I am married have 2 kids. They all Christian. My son has an interest and is in Madresa which is against my husband wishes. I made dua that Allah ta ala take away all that is haram from me. I never questioned or doubted .my husband and I live together but he does not or has no intension to change. We are not sexual from the time I was seeking my path. It is know 2 yr. Allhamdulillah ALLAH has taken away that desire for that and in this matter strengths my imaan. I don’t question that I am just very grateful that I have time to learn and grow in my deen. I do have suspicion but no evidence so can’t speak of involvement of him with a man. Astagfirullah. But Allah is good and constant. I do not work as I look kids, lost mom a yr ago after I looked after her for 15yrs. I love what Islam is doing for me and how I feel in deen. Yes it is a lonely journey but a rewarding one. Take is me .so hungry for knowledge and fearful of going astray. I want to be able to let my kids learn from example of how I life. I don’t want to waste time. Please guide me.


wa alaykum salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh,

Insha-Allah Mawlana Shaykh Hisham Kabbani is praying for you.

Keep with your husband and pray for his heart to open to guidance and continue your prayer to avoid all that is haraam. See the Post “Convert Required to Divorce non-Muslim Spouse

Make dhikr every morning after Fajr prayers: ya Muqallib al-quloobi wal-absaar qallib qalba zawjatee ilayk w’ahdihi il al-haqq.

Taher Siddiqui

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