Reading Darood on Rasulallah(SAWS) :: Allah knows best


I had a clear vision of Rasulallah (SAWS) in my dream. Hence, when I send Salawat to Rasulallah (SAWS) is it halal (not bidat), that I close my eyes, visualize Rasulallah (SAWS) as I saw in my dream & then read Darood-e-sheriff.



As salaam alaikum,

This is permitted.

Abu Hurairah (r) narrated, “I heard the Prophet saying, ‘Whoever sees me in a dream will see me in his wakefulness, and Satan cannot imitate me in shape. (Bukhari)

as Prophet Muhammad (saws) is alive and well in barzakh, may we all remain connected to his Reality. SallaAllahu Alaihi wa Salim.

WaAllahu Alam,

Kamau Ayubbi

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