Dream: Istikhara


Asalamu Aleikum,

My frnd did a istikhara for a marriage proposal that at first was accepted by her parents..She did istikhara once and this is the dream she saw on the 4th day.

Dream: “A girl was wearing white salwar/trousers n parrot green kameez/shirt and another salwar of parrot green color was kept on bed where she was sitting she was crying coz she was in her in laws house-crying while talking to her dad over phone.she was a newly married girl n crying coz was missing her dad. But after talking wid her dad she stoped crying.
N i was noticing her color of her clothes, when i wokeup it was 4.45 am.”

She saw this dream after her parents canceled the marriage..

JazakAllahu Khairan..


`Alaykum as-Salam,

Since the dream was already interpreted as a negative answer to istikhara then that is its interpretation.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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