As-Salaam Alaikum Ya Seyyidi and all the other Scholars
Pls Pardon us , as we are so Ignorant and weak. I am asking this on behalf of my Husband.He saw sultan Awliya conversing with him about end times and asking him when the world would end? Although Maulan did not explained him anything but he just said one word ” 39″ and smiled. please help interpreting it.
He also saw that he was standing somehwere where he could see up in the sky a huge Army of white dove like Angels coming down on earth and when he looked down on the earth he saw another Huge army of Angels already there. Ya Seyyidi Please help us to understand this and please also tell the initiation zikr for new reverts and new people in Tariqaat .
May Allah make us your Humble Servants
Salaam Alaikum
a`udhu billah mina ‘sh-shaytani ‘r-rajeem
Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem
Mawlana Shaykh Nazim is the 39th spiritual inheritor of the Prophet Muhammad (s) through the Naqshbandi Golden Chain, who ushers in the Age of Mahdi (as) at the End of Times. The angels show heavenly support coming onto earth. The following links give the awrad for initiates (mubtadi`yyin). Do not overburden yourself but do what you are able to consistently maintain and build up as per your comfort level and inspiration.
See: The Awrad of the Initiate
Dr. Karim Tourk