prayer qabliyah jum’ah


Assalamualaikum Syeikh,

I used to have jum’ah prayer in a mosque that always have a qabliyah prayer before adzan. For example, time for jum’ah prayer is 12:10. So when the time is already 12:10, people were asked to do qabliyah prayer. After that then muadzin recite adzan. After that then khutbah started. Ss it allowed for us to do such thing?

Thank you. wassalamu alaikum wr wb

wa `alaykum salam,

Sunnah Qabliyyah (pre-fard Sunnah prayer) is done after adhan. For Jum`ah the intention is still as Qabliyyah Zuhr.

W ‘Allahu `Alam

Abdul Shakur Hadi

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