Dream: Cloud formation in the sky



I saw a unique dark cloud formation in the sky from my old house in Pakistan. Suddenly the clouds change and seem to be flying across the sky and I saw that these are men. I then notice that some have landed on the roof. 1 of them looks at me and calls me up. On the roof i saw many people and seems to be a moment of joy. I then saw a moose that comes running from the left side with its left horn missing. The moose was not alive before this event but now is. Then my wife comes and tells me that “they” broke my television and that our other child has run away. I then saw a hospital where a cancer patient seems to be cured. There is a door on the roof that I think leads to the outside but I woke up


a`udhu billah mina ‘sh-shaytani ‘r-rajeem
Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem

The men flying in the dark cloud are showing the miraculous powers that will be opening in the time of Mahdi (as). The Prophet (s) said: When you see the black flags appearing from Khurassan (the East), then have good tidings of the (appearance of ) the Mahdi.

The child running away indicates the childish ego leaving and the establishment of mature nafs, obedient to Allah (swt) and His Prophet (s). As Mawlana Shaykh Nazim mentioned earlier this month, the takbir of Mahdi will cause technology (and thus television) to cease.  The time of Mahdi (as) will bring great joy to the believers and show the glory of Islam.  Many miraculous things will happen as divine knowledge will be spread on earth, perhaps a cure for cancer even.  The disfigured moose shows the last rally of the ego.  In sha Allah you will be protected from the fitna of the End Times. Wa Allahu `alam.

Dr. Karim Tourk

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