Wird of kaf ha ya ain sad


Salam aleikoum sheikh

May Allah’s never ending lights and blessings be upon you and your loved ones.

Forgive my impertinent question but I wanted to know if one can take as a wird kaf ha ya ain sad? And if so what are the benefits and secrets in doing so?


Waalaykoum salam,
Amin and to you and yours also.
Yes, to the intention of Mentioning His Attributes as indicated in one of their meanings which is:

كاف لخلقه ، هاد لعباده ، يده فوق أيديهم ، عالم ببريته ، صادق في وعده

“Sufficing His creation, guiding His servants, His Hand is over their hands, All-Knowing of what He brought into existence, All-Truthful in His promise.”

And Allah knows best. Hajj Gibril Haddad

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