Thanks to all the staff of


Assalam Alaykum,
I cannot stop loving Muhamed (s) through everyday’s posts that are written by the scholars of this website. I am not even mad for the few unanswered questions I have sent earlier because I am in a continuous learning process with this website, and the true reason is some of my questions have been answered to others.
Reading your everyday’s posts is like drinking sweet water from a bottomless river..Oh Allah forgive our ignorance and double strength and rewards for your men, men of this blessed website and this tariqah elsewhere.
May Allah enlighten you and raise your position to achieve a higher rank here and hereafter; May Allah strengthen your words to reach every being. PLZ don’t stop; PLZ understand that your work is so important; PLZ understand that I hold you in the highest respect,

Salam Alaykum wa Rahmatu Allah wa barakatuh


wa `alaykum salam, wa rahmatullahi wa barakutuh,

Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani, who founded this site, is praying for you, for success in this life and the next, insha-Allah, with the baraka of Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Nazim al-Haqqani.

Taher Siddiqui

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