Dream: Prophets are alive


I am sending ma greetings in Islam of peace and blessings to my Shaykhs Sultanul Awliya Shaykh Nadim (Q.S) and his qudub Shaykh Hisham (q.s) and their followers.

In this dream the Messenger of Allah Nebi Suleyman handed me a letter in a closed envelope and told me to hand it or give it to Shaykh Hisham (q.s) and when I handed it to Shaykh Hisham (q.s) in the same dream, he immediately took it from me but without openining it told me and the people (did not see people but felt so) that this an indication of what he was saying before that prophets are alive. I was a firm believer of prophets being alive even before the dream so I was puzzled to whom the confirmation was for. Is there something that I should watch for? Thanks.


Allahuma salli ala Sayyidina Muhammad wa ala Ahlihi wa Sahbihi Ajma’in

To see Nabi Sulayman (as) in a dream means his troubles will vanish and/or he will receive from Allah, a great level.

In your case, this was Prophet Sulayman (as) was a keeper of your trust because his name “Sulayman” which is comprised of two names; Saleem-secure, and Amana-trust. With orders from the Prophet (s), he (as) gave Shaykh Hisham your trust because you are a spiritual inheritor of Prophet Sulayman (as) and it, your trust, is now secure with Shaykh Hisham, who is authorized to hold it by Mawlana Shaykh Nazim.Which indicates that you are increasing in your spiritual ascension. And affirming belief that prophets are alive means they are alive in your heart.

W ‘Allahu `Alam

Sallu `ala Sayyidina Muhammad (s)

Ismaeel Dhul-Qarnayn

reviewed and approved by Shaykh Hisham Kabbani

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