Dream: Please clarify meaning and awrad from Shaykh given and in dream


AsalamumálakumwRwB.We escorted some high-ranking western-people to Shaykh-Nazim. He gave his-students more attention than the guests. Sitting-with-Shaykh, he instructed me to recite 300 Yaa Shaykh-A-Dagestani and 200 Yaa Shaykh-Nazim-alHaqqani and he said I think if ´it´ (cant remember the word- but it, implied situation) still continues then recite 73 istigfaar. I felt his warmth and closeness.He came crawling up- stairs, I shouted loudest with awe, then with Quran on his back/people cheering. His mureed wanted to relieve him so climbed under him to carry the weight.We went into another room and a man recited over bottles of water which I could take from. Shaykh or this man, gave me orange liquid to drink from my hands. I ask for forgiveness if I have not relayed the dream properly.Need clarity on awrad given and, instructions I may have forgotten and interpretation miefodlk. Could my husband also invoke the Shuyookhs names?With-our deep-love


wa `alaykum salam,

The wazifa Mawlana gave you is a great and powerful one, and any murid may use it with good results insha-Allah. Seeing Mawlana Shaykh crawling, carrying the Quran, means he is the Carrier and Upholder of Quran in this time and that burden for him is tremendous. If “the ‘it’ continues” likely refers to the current situation in the Muslim world, and the 73 refers to the 73 factions which the Prophet (s) predicted will bifurcate the Ummah so continue with that istighfar as long as the strife continues.

Taher Siddiqui

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