I go to visit shaykh nazim in england. i recognise 1 family i was considering to marry their son and it did not proceed because they had a issue with me being a sufi. I get upset with seeing them and i go to sit next to shaykh nazim and kiss his hands and hug him and start to cry he asks whats wrong my child my daughter dont cry im your father and he hugs me and kisses my head and crys . the family i know then look at me and speak bad of me and i say to them if i wanted to marry your son i could have but i chose not to as i will not anything allow to come between me and my shaykh or my tariqa.
Im going to see the shaykh inshallah in june to give bayyah to him. Jazzakallah khair
wa `alaykum salam,
The meaning of the dream is literal. Alhamdulillah you chose akhira over dunya and thus you have been granted that your spiritual father is Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Nazim al-Haqqani. Take baya` online and then renew it when you visit Mawlana Shaykh in June.
Taher Siddiqui