Dream: Military!


As-Salaamu alaiykum,
A few years ago I had this dream-vision.
I see solders standing in rows. They are wearing green uniform. I am standing in front of them as the one in charge, in their command. I know I am fighting Jihad.While i saw this scene I had the strange feeling of looking into the future. Then my attention is drawn to myself. It is me but then in a strange way it is not me, it is God. And then it is me again. And then with a powerfull voice coming from somewhere deep inside i say AND THIS IS MY STORY. I felt power and some pride when i said those words.
I hope you can give me some idea what it could mean
thank you


wa ‘alaykum salam,

The Jihad against the ego will lead to you Divine Service. Consider this suhbat of Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani:

Qul in kuntum tuhiboon Allaha fat-tabi`oonee yuhbibkumullah wa yaghfir lakum dhunubakum.” “Say: ‘If ye do love Allah, Follow me: Allah will love you and forgive you your sins: For Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.’” [3:31]

It is not the Prophet (s) who said it – it is Allah who said. “Ya Muhammad, say to them, ‘If you love Allah, then follow me, Allah will love you.’” Who is that verse for? For everyone or just for the Sahaba? I love the Prophet (s) I hope, and everyone loves the Prophet (s). And the Sahaba loved the Prophet (s). But how am I going to love the Prophet (s) correctly when I need to see him and to follow him? How do I follow him if I don’t see his footsteps?

So the Sahaba saw the footsteps of the Prophet (s) and he showed them the reality of how to follow. He took them by the hand and they moved; he was guiding them.

But that verse of the Holy Qur’an is for the whole Ummah, from its beginning to its end. That gives us a hidden meaning here. The Prophet (s) was with the Sahaba to guide them. That means his presence must exist at all times for all the people, for mankind to follow.

Wa`alamu anna feekum Rasulullah.” – “Know that the Prophet is within you.” [49:7] He did not say he is “baynakum,” “among you,” but He swt said, “feekum” – “in you.” The Holy Qur’an is delicate in every letter and every sentence. If the Prophet (s) is in us, so then Allah is saying to us here, “Where then is he now?”

I was hearing an example of this [taps the mike]. Are you hearing this? [yes] Why are you hearing it?

That is a voice. That tapping is creating a voice that has a wavelength and the wavelength moves throughout all of space, throughout the universe, and never dies. Those who know physics or engineering, know that. That wavelength is moving through space, so that when I tap, that wave moves through space – if you have a receiver you hear it and if you don’t have one, you do not hear it.

We are hearing from billions of years, voices coming from the universe, because we have big receivers. We are hearing something and yet we are not able to hear something else, it is impossible. But every voice should be heard if you have the right equipment, because waves move around the world and the universe.

When Sayiddina Muhammad (s) recited from the Holy Qur’an, that wave is ever-living and it does not end, if we want to take it from the point-of-view of physics. So if that voice is there, why can we not hear it? Because there is something wrong with our equipement.

There is something wrong with our hearing. Consider the hadith, “ma zaala `abdee yataqaraba ilayya bin-nawaafil hatta uhibah. Fa idha ahbabtahu kuntu sama`ulladhee yasma`u bihi wa basarahulladhee yubsiru bihi, wa yadahulladhee yubtishu bihi wa lisanahulladhee yatakallama bih.” – “My servant does not cease to approach Me through voluntary worship until I will love him. When I love him, I will become the ears with which he hears, the eyes with which he sees the hand with which he acts and the tongue with which he speaks.”

“My servant continues to approaches Me through voluntary worship until I will love him,” and that love of Sayyidina Muhammad (s) is important. The Sahaba, from their love of the Prophet, listened to the Prophet (s) and said, “Yes, Ya Rasulullah, we accept whatever you said.”  The munafiqeen (hypocrites) tried to create doubts. On the night of Ascension, the Sahaba said, “na`m sadaqta ya Rasulullah!” But that love is important. It comes about not through obligations, but from what He swt said, “ma zaala `abdee yataqaraba ilayya bi-nawaafil hatta uhibah.” – through voluntary worship.

Is that voluntary worship an obligation in Qur’an? Did it come from heavens or did the Prophet practice it himself out of love? The Prophet (s) did it out of love. The obligations, you have to do, you are forced. If not you go to jahannam. It is an obligation. You cannot reach to love of Allah through it. There is a way out of voluntary worship, because if you don’t do it you will still go to Paradise. But you will not achieve the situation mentioned in that hadith. That means, “If My servant loves Me through Muhammad, by means of nawafil, voluntary worship, then I will love him.” It is a reciprocal relationship. It has to be from you first, because Allah already loves His servant, He created them from His love. But you have to put your plug, your wire and make the connection from your side.

Then what happens, you will experience the reality of the hadith “kuntu sama`ulladhee yasma`u bih” That means, “I will give him a special receiver to hear, by which he will hear what only that wali can hear.” I am going to give him what people cannot hear? What can people not hear? You cannot hear,  he cannot hear, … You will hear the voice that people cannot hear because they don’t have that opening in their ears. He will give you from that attribute as-Sam`ee, as Sariyya heard Sayyidina `Umar’s voice from Sham. “O Sariyya! Keep to the mountain,” from Madina to Sham.[1]

Sariya was able to hear. Sayyidina `Umar (r) was able to hear and to see. So Sariya has an audio voice only. Sayyidina Umar has video and audio. That technology is from 1400 years ago, since the time of the Prophet (s). The then continues hadith, “I will give him  vision that he can see with, I will be the eyes with which he can see.” At that time you have audio, video and TV. Then you can see the Prophet (s) – how he is moving, how he is speaking, how he is acting, and then you can follow. If you cannot do that, then follow those who can. Not everyone can do that, only a few can. Only awliya can do that, like Sayyidina Abdul Qadir Jilani.

Taher Siddiqui

[1] It is reported from Hazrat Ibn `Umar (r) that he said that Hazrat `Umar (r) dispatched an army, making one man called Sariyya (r) leader (amir) over it. It is said that one day Hazrat `Umaar (r) was delivering the Friday sermon. In it he said loudly “Ya Sariyya al-jabal!” “O Sariyya! [towards] the mountain.” Then a courier came from the army and said: “O Commander of the Faithful! We were on the verge of being defeated when we heard a voice thrice: “Ya Sariyya al-jabal!” So we moved the back our army near the mountain and Allah Most Holy defeated them.” Ibn `Umar (r) says that Hazrat `Umar (r) was told that it was he who was shouting in that voice. (mentioned in Life of the Companions, by Shaykh Kandhalvi.)

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