Asalamualaikum, I had a dream that I escaped from some kind of flood and I was in shekh nazims house.(I never met either sheikh) Suddenly I heard people yelling the dajjal is coming and he was coming down this hill with what looked like an army. I looked out the window to see him but he then changed his appearance? He came to pursuade us to follow him and i warned everyone this is the dajjal he change his appearance. At first i was afraid but then i got angry that he was there. All throughout the dream hes chasing me and putting obstacles in my way in the end i killed him with a spear in the chest and the blood poured out everywhere and he was dead.(i know only isa *as kills him) so how could this be? Please help me to interpret this dream. Salam wr wb.
wa `alaykum salam,
Your dream is reflecting the reality of what is coming as predicted by the Prophet (s). insha-Allah your killing Dajjal with a spear, in the same manner as the Prophet (s) informed us that Sayyidina `Isa (as) will do, is a sign you will be a supporter of Truth and with the army of Mahdi (as) who fight Dajjal and his falsehood and that you will be there to observe these events of the Last Days which are soon upon us.
Try to make yourself worthy of such a station by observing the prayers, fast, and paying zakat and charity and connecting (baya`) with a true shaykh.
And Allah knows best,
Taher Siddiqui