assalamu alaykum
Dear mawlana and all syuyukh
i would like to stop smoking and i try it but i can’t please pray for me of this and how to stop this, and my mom health in trouble now she’s very very drop on please pray for my mom sayidi, and how to pay if we’re lossing our shalat for the last i worry i can’t pay all my shalat … please help me yaa sayidi how to out of this situation… i want to be better for my spiritual way please help me mawlana …..bring me out from all problem in dunya and bring me to Allah swt and Rasulullah saw to make my life and my spiritual more better than now….
Thank you for your attention yaa mawlana
wassalamu alaykum wr’wb
wa ‘alaykum salam,
Insha-Allah with Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani’s du`a you will stop smoking. Insha-Allah your mother will feel better and Insha-Allah you will become more consistent in your prayers. Shaykh Hisham recommends to make up missed prayers in place of the Sunnah prayers before and after the fard (obligatory) prayers.
Taher Siddiqui