Dream: Black and orange snakes



-I was in a grassy area with walls around
-There were snakes in the grass but did not harm
-suddenly,a black and orange snake started chasing me
-I ran.then got fed up of being chased.I went to the gate but a black cobra with its head up was blocking it.
-I walked on(scared)but it didnt attack
-I got in a truck and pulled my young cousin in with me.
-snake was coming again.I drove over it,hurting it just below the head bt it didnt die.
-mother’s 3 brothers appeared and the 1 brother threw a knife at its head,killing it.
-4 smaller black and orange snakes were lying next to each other,not moving but not dead.i decided not to kill them as i felt they were no more a threat now that the other snake was dead


wa `alaykum salam,

Snakes are enemies seeking to harm you, but alhamdulillah you killed the one big one, and the other four represent the 4 enemies of every human beings, nafs (ego), dunya (worldly life), hawa (lustful desire) and shaytan. Keep watchful however and keep your salat (namaz).

W ‘Allahu `alam,

Taher Siddiqui

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