Daily zikr and Wakeel in Sweden


Assalamu allaykum Dear Sheikh,

2 years ago I made an online bayyath through sheiknazim2.com/sufism.html web-site in Uzbekistan. There we were guided to do daily zikr given to Sri Lanken mureeds. Since that moment I have been doing that daily zikr. Within this period I have been increasing the assigned zikr according to my patience. However, I was told by a person with knowledge in this matter that the change of the assignment can be made only by the Sheikh responsible for me. He will do it in accordance to what my personality is in need. But unfortunately I do not have any physical contact with Sheikh Nazim (may Allah give him long life) or any Wakeel to seek guidance in this matter. Dear Sheikh what would you suggest in this regard? Right now I am in Sweden, is there any possibility to find a Wakeel?

May Allah bless you!


wa `alaykum salam,

As far as we know there is no wakil in Sweden. You may do as much extra dhikr and awrad as you feel comfortable with, as long as you consider your “obligatory” wird the one for the Initiate.  You will receive a message from the Shaykh when it is time to increase the “obligatory” practice. He can reach you anytime.

Taher Siddiqui

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