Prayer Request: Help me


I am going through a tough time and my relationship ended with a person I love. I feel weak and horrible. We were not married and I know it may be for the best, but all feels worse. I want to be a good Muslim and trust in Allah. I feel sometimes because I am new to Islam, I am not strong in faith. I need guidance and strength to get past this. Please pray for me. Thank you.


Audhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajim
Bismi-llāhi r-raḥmāni r-raḥī:

Insh Allah Mawlana Shaykh Hisham Kabbani is praying for you.

You may recite this du’a and try to recite daily salawat on Prophet (ṣall Allāhu ʿalayhi wa-sallam) to open all doors of goodness. And Allah knows best.


About Imam Wissam

Imam Wissam N'dir is a student of Shaykh Muhammad Nazim Adil al-Haqqani and Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani for the past 20 years.
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