Salam…I never thought it would ask this, but there is a wazifa undesirable to remove a person from my home? broke up with my ex-girlfriend due to various circumstances including the haraam, but her sister still coming here and she lives in fixing everything that my family does and pointing faults, my brother has serious health problems and she irritates, thing he can not go further, she says she comes home to her mother to facilitate his studies when I heard her talking on the phone about sleeping in the house of a stranger, please Shuyukh ya, would like a prayer for her to stay far away from us and gone forever and so do not talk bad about me and my family.
wa `alaykum salam,
Some things need wazifas and some things need active physical action and you need to know the difference. If she has no reason to be in your house and no lease then simply ask her to leave. Put her stuff out, change the locks, problem solved, insha-Allah.
Taher Siddiqui