Assalamallaykum, May Allah SWT give Moulana Shaykh Nazim and Shaykh Hisham the best of health, strength and longest of lives. AMEEN.
I requested my parents to ask about a sister whom I was inclined to marry. My Iskithara had been positive (saw green in my dream and even saw Moulana Shaykh Nazim who appeared happy). But my parents did not go ahead and propose.
I then met a sister at university and felt she was a good practicing woman to marry even though she cannot have any children.
I want to marry this sister but her father has rejected as I am from a different tribe/caste. We both did istikhara and it has been a good sign. But I saw Moulana Shaykh Nazim in my dream who appeared not to be happy about it. I am confused…. and need marriage to aid my worship and deen.
Please help..
wa `alaykum salam,
You need to find within yourself the zeal to follow through on something and not give up easily and switch to something easier at the first sign of difficulty. Insha-Allah focus on getting your parents to propose for the first sister and forget the second, and Allah knows best.
Taher Siddiqui