Dream: cat visiting Mawlana


BismillahirRahmanirRaheem. Asalaamwale kum dear shaykh,before I went to Cyprus I had this dream. I was sitting on the floor with my husband outside a room where Sultan was resting. In another adjoining room brothers also waited. It was magrib. A black&white cat came in from the road & sat with us. Like all mureeds it travelled far to see Mawlana.it felt natural to see a cat sit as a mureed. We encouraged it to go tell Mawlana it had arrived. Later Mawlana came out & lay on the floor with myself & my husband by our feet & said to us he wants one of our friends & us to go to the houses of parliament for a meeting.I was shy as I would be only woman there or what to wear. But he said to go.I woke up feeling Mawlana was saying for me to go to Lefke.


wa `alaykum salam,

The cat represents murid from the Jinn, who can take shapes of animals or people. This shows Mawlana is Sultan of Jinn and humans. Saying to go to houses of parliament for a meeting indicate you have been granted spiritual power to confront shaytan, and that is a step towards sainthood, and Allah knows best.

Taher Siddiqui

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