Dream: prophet (sas) in my dream


Assalam alaikum! I had a dream when I was very young.I saw prophet (sas) in my dream in his grave.He woke up from his grave saying “lailaha illalah mohammadur rasoolallah.After that he looked at me ,gave me a ring with a green stone in it ,put some money in my hand ,but they were old and then at the end of my dream,I saw someone walk in to meet prophet mohammed(peace be upon him),he was very charismatic.Prophet (sas) hugged him with love.The person I saw was a non muslim before but converted to Islam and came to meet prophet(sas) as soon as he could.I would like you to interpret my dream,pls.Thank you!


wa `alaykum salam,

Mabrouk! That is a wonderful and blessed dream and good tidings to you from your youth that you have been entrusted by the Prophet (s) in the spiritual realm to carry his Sunnah and that you will be well-provided physically and spiritually in this life, but take care to avoid haram food and provision. Seeing the Prophet (s) in the dream means safety and security during seven difficult trials in this dunya and seven in the next life.

The man you saw being hugged by the Prophet (s) is a westerner who came to Islam and was granted to be one of Allah’s Saints and insha-Allah seeing him means he will be a means to guide you in your spiritual development, either known to you or not. And Mawlana Shaykh Hisham Kabbani has indicated that there are many such saints among western converts, and some of them are in fact from the Abdal (Substitute Saints).

And Allah knows best,

Taher Siddiqui

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