Prayer Request: killed a cat, maybe?


As Salamu alaykom wr wb Mawlana, Hajjah and all(q),

I think I killed a cat :( . There was this nice cat coming everyday after dinner at our house, and I was throwing leftover from the table which she ate. A couple of times, there was no leftover so i gave her some frozen fish.
Lastnight also, I gave her some frozen fish, and then couple of hours later, heard a cry from her. and then woke up in the morning to see all its poop allover the kitchen. since then, the cat is lost. You think it died, maybe? infected fish?


wa `alaykum salam,

Life and death are in Allah’s Hands. It was not your intention to kill the cat but to feed it, so don’t beat yourself up about it. Perhaps it died to carry an impending harm from you or your family.

And Allah knows best,

Taher Siddiqui

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