Dream: marriage


i had a relationship with a boy for 2 years and we wanted to get married. all of a sudden so many clashes came along and now he will not talk to me and i think moved on and asked me to also. i always have dreams about him but one in particular. this was on a friday i had a dream where it is my mehndi (my wedding) and i am wearing a white dress and very happy and my family an friends are there getting ready for the celbration , and this boy whom i love, is in my dream i believe as the groom. i am very happy. but i am confused because although i make much dua, i think it is over. also i ahve dreams of spiders ALL THE TIME, they do not ever harm me but scare me.


wa `alaykum salam,

Since in the dream you were unsure it was him, then this indicates a doubt. Our shuyukh say, “the sign of permission is ease”, so if it is not working out despite all your du`a, then it is the sign to move on, indeed the boy may already have found someone else but is shy to tell y0u.

Seeing spiders means making plans based on imagination and dreams, for as Allah said:

{but truly the flimsiest of houses is the spider’s house} (Surat l-`Ankabut, 29:41)

and Allah knows best,

Taher Siddiqui

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