Dream interpretation-Outside earth.



I had a dream before few days that there was a carriage sort of thing, which took me and my friend outside earth. My friend , she forced me to sit on the carriage, and there was a driver who drove it and took us outside earth. I was initially scared to sit, I was telling my friend that the belt seems to be non protective. But, she forced me saying, its okay, sit as I am sitting. Then, outside earth, I saw fire like things but not harmful, it may be planets or something else i dont know. It was orange , yellow and red in colour. Then, we came back to earth and my friend was saying something about her position which she secured. She was telling me about the number , something in four hundreds. Then I began wondering what position did i get.


audhu billah mina ‘sh-shaytani ‘r-rajeem,

Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem,

wa `alaykum salam,

Alhamdulillah good tidings for you and your friend. Try to submit to where your “driver” (wali responsible for you) is taking you in order to reach your position. And Allah knows best.

Karim Tourk

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