Maulana Shaykh Hisham told a story about a man from lebanon who goes to the ocean to read salawaat 1 million times. (
If it is possible, I would like to know this man’s name as I’m trying to read fatiha for him everyday and he also inspires me to read countless salawaat throughout my day so i can love Prophet Muhammad with real love, be close to him and to be saved from the troubles i’m facing. By knowing his name, it will be better when I’m making dua for him.
May God give long life to Shaykh Nazim and his family so that they will be in the company of Mahdi (A.S) and Isa (A.S). If needed, May God deduct from my life to be given to Shaykh Nazim so that he can be with them. Amin.
wa `alaykum salam,
Mohamed Ali.
Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani