Please, what does this mean?


assalaam alaikum shaykh hisham kabbani, I would like to ask you two questions. I hear like a sound of a clock or a alarm clock in my room and but I don’t have a alarm clock in my room. It’s like a ticking sound in my ear I just cant stop sometimes. Sometime I go closer where the sound is coming from but there is nothing there. Does this mean anything? Please I need to know, so I can understand. Also I use to be able to connect with Maulana shaykh Nazim through rabitah but it seems that I cant connect with him like I use to. Jazakkallah for that you are doing may Allah reward you all, the team at eshaykh allah hafiz


Alaykum Salam,
Sometimes the heart’s dhikr of “Allah, Allah” is audible in our ears. It is a reminder and also a connection to Mawlana.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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