Prayer Request: Survived auto accident


Assalamu ‘Alaykum,

Three days ago I was driving a big truck with full dual tanks on I-84 in Masachusetts. It suddenly caught fire from underneath and started burning. Me and my friend were forced to jump out of it while going 30-35 mph. There was nothing left of it when the firefighters put the fire out. Should we had stayed for another 15-20 second, we would have burned… Fire didn’t touch any tiny part of me but little hair. It was a scary raging fire, 15-20 feet tall. Some people wished me a new happy birthday:). I always feel a warm cloud around me during dangers. I wonder if I deserve this mercy, and would really like to offer charity or do what’s appropriate.
Please pray for my forgiveness… Thank you Mawlana.Response:

wa `alaykum salam,

Mashallah you are another living example of the protection that surrounds followers of His Eminence Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani. Mabrook and you are right to want to give sadaqa in Allah’s way especially as Ramadan approaches.

Dr. Aziz Hussein

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