I was doing istighara prayer, concerning one man. 6 days later I had a dream. I was in a theater, pulling a luggage, looking for my seat, my 2 friends waiting for me. I asked a female usher to show my seat, she said it´s too difficult, because I mentioned two seatnumbers.Then a half-english man, whose face wasn´t clear,guides me, up to a mountain in my birthtown, it´s much higher in my dream than in reality.
I see a nice landscape, beautiful colors, big river and woods, at my right, some lakes. When I wake up, I was so happy about that dream, and decided to stop selling my handycrafts on markets and fairs but settle down in my hometown, open a small shop to get more stable. Does this say anything about that special man, for whom I made Istichara? Thank U so much for reading this, Salams
wa `alaykum salam,
Insha-Allah it is a good result and a good sign indicating that marriage will take you from a false world, represented by the theatre, and carrying baggage of dunya, to your “birthplace”, high spiritual stations and happiness, here and hereafter.
and Allah knows best,
Taher Siddiqui