Dream interpretation


Salam Sidi, i have 2 dreams need interpreting please. 1)the houses on my street are on burning with raging fire including my own, and i am trying to put it out with water. 2) i went to sleep with the intention to wake up before magrib and pray asr. so now im dreaming im walking into a pitch black dark park (no lights) situated on a hill and very desperately trying to find water to make wudu and pray asr, finally after hardship and effort i make wudu and start to pray asr(at this point i think im awake because i had to pray asr in reality) and begin the fatiha, and my own voice actually woke me up. but by then it was too late and magrib already began. jazakallah


wa `alaykum salam,

The first dream showed the fire of Divine `ishq and you quench it with Divine Knowledge, poured into your heart from awliyaullah.

The second dream represents seeking knowledge of the Divine Names and Attributes for they cannot be seen or heard, but only tasted, and thus shown as a dark night.  Wudu means purification of the heart from dunya and desires and upliftment towards awliyaullah, towards the Prophet (s) and towards the Divine Presence. Your spiritual struggle (climbing the hill) is rewarded by a great opening (reciting al-Fatiha) and your visualization of maghrib indicates how near the time is for this opening to appear physically as it has inwardly, insha-Allah. And all this is a grant and gift from your spiritual master.

and Allah knows best.

Taher Siddiqui

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