Prayer Request: Istikhara for brother’s marriage


Salam Alaykoum WrAllah Wb to all the team at eshaykh!

Unfortunately I am not managing to make istikhara for my brother whose name is [private]. My mother is thinking of a person whose name is [private]. And he is in love with someone. My parents are not accepting whose name is [private].

Shaykh, Is it possible to make istikhara for him ?
Nobody can make it for us unfortunately.
Is [private] suitable ? Is [private] suitable ?

Could you also make dua for him because his heart is very heavy and he suffers very much emotionaly.. .

JazakAllah Shaykh,

Wasalam WaRahmatoulahi Wabarakatouhou


wa `alaykum salam,

Both are good; it is his preference.

Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani

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