Dream: son of mawlana shaykh nazim


salaam, i prayed fajr and asked in my dua to be closer to mawlana shaykh nazim, shaykh hishaam, hajjah naziha and hajjah ruqaya. i went back to sleep after making this dua and dreamt that the son of mawlana shaykh nazim (not sure which one) gave me a glass of hot milk with almonds in it to drink. and they made me drink it from their own hands. could you please tel me meanng of this dream. and also pray i be closer to my shaykhs and their blessed families.


wa `alaykum salam,

This dream shows how close you are to Mawlana’s family and you are accepted to be among them. The milk indicates restoration of purity and fitra, innocence and the almonds indicates the removal of a spiritual disease from your heart on the hands of Mawlana Shaykh’s son, and Allah knows best. Continue to pray for them, and you will be granted further closeness, until you will be able to recognize them in the dream or in a vision, insha-Allah.

Taher Siddiqui

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