24000 Allah Allah


asalaam. my question is.
i am baith with another naqshbandi sheikh alhamdululla i read all the wazaifs theyve given . like the khatham ul kwajgaan shareef. 10 000 darood khizri. and i wanted to ask what the bebifit on reciting Allah Allah 24000 times is. i mean its zikr it definetly has benifit but any secret specifically which i shud know and wil increase my enthusiasm towards reading this zikr
and how shud it be read with tounge slowly so no one can hear or abit loud specifically
if sheikh hisham kabaani could please answer


wa `alaykum salam,

It is tark al-adab, against good manners to the Shaykh to ask “what is the benefit of the wird my shaykh gave me?”

As for reciting Allah’s Holy Name, one of the benefits, out of an infinite number of benefits, is that Name will become inscribed in your heart, and take you to the station of Fana Fillah, insha-Allah.

Regarding the numbers of repetitions, and their importance, Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani said in a suhbat dated March 22, 2002:

Now numbers, there is significant in numbers as we explained before in these meetings. Some of you did not hear it, but some of you heard it, about significance of number in Holy Quran and we explained about Surat al-Hadid, about the Surah in the Quran whose number is 57. And in Surat al-Hadid, the Chapter Iron and other suras, Iron is mentioned in Holy Quran in 5 places. And the verse of Surat al-Hadid mentioning Iron is verse 25 and if you add the Bismillah (as a numbered verse) it is 26. So if you put these together you will find that there are 5 isotopes of Iron that find scientists know about today. The middle of these has an atomic mass of 57. The number of electrons in the atom of iron is 26.

So how Quran knew it? This is from the majaazul-Quran, from the secret of scientific discovery in the Holy Quran. We are speaking about the importance of specific numbers. So here are numbers that we might not understand why it is 900,951 angels. We don’t know. But awliya’ullah knows and one day the significance of these angels will come out. As they are discovering now significance of numbers in Holy Quran and holy Hadith. So these breath that have been given, they count the breaths of awliya’ullah, and on every breath 900,951 angels comes. So every day there are 24,000 breaths coming in and going out.  So 24,000 multiplied by 900,951 and then multiply it by the number of awliya’ullah that are inheritors of Prophet – 124,000 inheritors in every century and this will give you the number of angels that come and go every day visiting the Prophet (s). Trillions, there is no count! This is to show the greatest that Allah swt gave Prophet (s).

Grandshaykh, may Allah bless him, said that whoever makes salawat on Prophet (s) in that month (Rabi`ul-Awwal) one time Allah swt will take 100 of your difficulties away from you. When you are giving your last breath out from your life, I.e. you are dying, Allah will relieve 100 difficulties on every salawat on Prophet (s) you made.

Think how many difficulties we are going to face when we are giving our breath out, when we are dying. One salawat will take 100 difficulties, and another 100 difficulties when the angels enter when Munkar and Nakir comes to you to question you in the grave, He will take away another 100 difficulties, and He will take 100 difficulties on the Day of Resurrection, and He will take 100 difficulties when you are walking on Sirata ‘l-Mustaqim, and He will take 100 difficulties when you are in the presence of Allah where He is taking you to account, balancing your `amal.

Taher Siddiqui

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