Assalaam Alaikoem,
I have done many job interviews, but never hired. I have done Bachelor Law. A few employees promissed me that they will hire me. But they haven’t. It has really confused me. I do everyday Allah Dhikr and weekly Halqa-e-Dhikr. Financially we do not need an extra income. Can you please tell me why what the reason is? We have 2 sons in the age of 3. I got into a study dept. But financially we can handle it. I want a job for anĀ independentĀ feeling.
Is it my Qadr to stay a housewife?
My name is: [private] (can my name stay secret?)
My mother’s name is: [private] (can my mother’s name stay secret?)
My Father’s name is: [private] (can my father’s name stay secret?)
I follow Hanafi Fiqh
May Allah swt Bless you
Wa Alaikoum Salaam
wa `alaykum salam,
Be patient, job will come insha-Allah. Do not be over-anxious as it annuls shukr. Recite Ya Kareem 100 times daily and continue with your job quest.
Hajj Gibril Haddad